Etta James lyrically poured her soul into a Sunday Kind of Love on her 1960 album "At Last!" As she belted, "A love that lasts past Saturday night", I can't help but to examine the lyrics through modernized lenses of Self-Love, Healing Love, Godly-All Encompassing Love, when relativley speaking of what real women (seemingly) desire most. Actually, it’s the exact kind of love everyone should aspire to obtain — and here's why:
Saturday night doesn’t care for tomorrow nor does it think about the consequences of it's actions. It’s about being selfish, and that's okay! Saturday nights may notoriously belong to the fellas that brilliantly pander their gifts to the popular tastes, but sometimes there's an equally weighted interest for the ladies too (especially the ones getting over a tumultuous work week or toxic relationships).
Now as for Sundays… Sunday is when the dust settles and you have to figure out who you're with, who you're becoming, and why it matters.
A faithful Sunday is like being awakend by that warm beam of light that greets you "Mornin' Gorgeous", as you roll over next to a warm body, a doting pet or an innocent child with loving eyes.
Whatever the case may be for you at this point in your life, remember that a Sunday kind of Love is reserved for the ones that stay!